Following on from my blog post on predicting snowfall it looks like something is looming from late Sunday into the week following. Jane’s Weather likes the look of it, the forumites aren’t so sure, but Weatherzone is more positive.
It has the potential to be a season starter, and perfect timing for Queen’s Birthday festivities, and also if cold temperatures follow in its wake there is snowmaking opportunity as well.

(The Blue and Green (and Yellow and Red in the tropics) overlaid colours denote precipitation, the black contour lines MSLP, and the bold blue line is the ‘540’ line which distinguishes whether precipitation will be falling as rain or snow above approx 1500m. Typically you would hope to see this line well north of the Alps)
I’m not too excited yet but will keep this post updated as things get closer and become more apparent.
What do you all think? Keen for a ski on QBW? Or will it just interrupt your drinking plans?