Back when we all lived and worked in the mountains, little gave us more joy than saying to the hapless punters ‘you shoulda been here yesterday’ but sadly since we traded in endless winters for desks, keyboards and computer screens this is something that has been lacking from our repertoire. However today was one such day, and now as hapless punters ourselves restricted to our tiny but valuable windows of annual leave, it was great to have that feeling back.
Snow had fallen, the skies were bluebird, but what wasn’t predicted (including by us) was that there was some wind overnight that put an ever-so-slight crust on the snow. It was far from terrible, but unfortunately it wasn’t in the state that we’d left it at 4pm yesterday. (In case you didn’t read yesterday’s blog post, we had to be kicked off the mountain and had top-to-bottom untracked pow for our last run).
No matter, there were far worse places in the world to be and we headed up with a grin on our faces.
What we didn’t anticipate however was the toll that yesterday’s skiing had taken on our bodies. At the stage of the day that one would normally call time, we followed the unwritten rule of powder days, and did 3 more runs despite the protestations of our bodies. We’re getting better at this nutcracker thing, but Craigieburn ain’t for the faint-hearted and you can use as much energy going up as coming down.
So we decided to have a day that focused on quality, not quantity, and made the most of the lovely weather.
Craigieburn is fucking awesome.