MBP Buller Park Report – Sat/Sun July 27-28 2013 (Guest Blog by Badaz)

MBP Skyline Park Flat Box

Hi all,

So it has been a trying season to say the least. After that horrid wet patch that left the mountain almost bare to the grass, the heavens brought about some new snow that helped put a base down again.

Fortunately with the small amount of snow we do have the park crew have been able to install some features for us to all play on.

As of the weekend just passed there are two parks open to public. Skyline park has three features running alongside the t bar. First off is a down bar followed by a long flat box then into a jump at the bottom of the run. The speed varies depending on the time of day, fast to begin with in the morning then slowing toward the end of the day as the snow turns loose and grippy.

Over in Koflers park there are two beginner features. The disco box has been placed up there with no gap on which makes it easy to get onto the feature. Following the disco box is a small flat box that was previously on Burke street at the beginning of the season. Again, the speed varies from fast in the morning to slow toward end of day.

By Anthony ‘Badaz’ Badagoff

Here are a few photos from Saturday:

MBP Skyline Park Down Bar
MBP Skyline Park Down Bar
MBP Skyline Park Down Bar
MBP Skyline Park Down Bar
MBP Skyline Park Jump
MBP Skyline Park Jump


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