Hi all,
Update on the park status. Skyline has altered slightly, there are now 4 features alongside the skyline T-bar. A down bar is at the top of the park followed by a long flat box which then leads you into a disco box followed by a jump.

The temperature dropped and up on Buller it was snowing throughout the majority of the weekend. Saturday morning was bliss with a fresh cover of snow to be enjoyed by all. This however changed as the precipitation couldn’t figure out if it wanted to keep snowing or raining. I do not know about everyone else, but I found myself swimming in my gear as I was riding throughout Saturday afternoon. See the glazing of ice on my goggles from the snow makers and sleet.

Sunday was awesome, another cover of snow overnight and the mountain was ready for the crowds. The snow continued throughout the day and visibility was clear which is always a bonus. Wind brought some fog through in patches, however for majority of the day the conditions were fantastic. The snow was slick and fresh as the white fluffy stuff just kept coming.

All we need to do now is wait for the snow to accumulate so that the park crew has a chance to install some more features.
By Anthony ‘Badaz’ Badagoff