Australia First and Fifth in 2012 INAS World Championship Slalom

Nicole and Olivia before the Slalom 2012 INAS World Championships
Nicole and Olivia before the Slalom 2012 INAS World Championships
Nicole and Olivia before the Slalom 2012 INAS World Championships
Nicole and Olivia before the Slalom 2012 INAS World Championships

Australian Skiers Nicole Harris and Olivia Sayers have placed First and Fifth respectively in the Slalom at the 6th INAS World Championships for the Intellectually Disabled held at the Palandoken Resort in Erzurum, Turkey.

After a day’s delay due to poor weather we headed out into fresh snow and more clear skies and the racing conditions were fair for all competitors.

Nicole is a multiple World Champion in events previously held in France and Italy, but until today had not completed a World Champ Slalom race so her result was both a thrill and a relief for herself and her coach & mother Sharyn. Nicole said after the completion of her two runs “I was really happy with my result!”. Nicole took the lead after the first run and maintained it through her second run to be ranked first overall and World Champion for 2012.

This is Olivia’s first appearance on the skiing world stage being a multiple World Champion and World Record holder in Swimming. She skied with skill and composure to improve her Sixth place after the first run to finish Fifth overall. Olivia said after the race “I had fun and enjoyed myself!”

The official results will be available on the event website at and photos/other information will be available on the event’s Facebook Page

The Giant Slalom event is held tomorrow and the Super Giant Slalom (Super G) on Saturday. To keep updated with the latest results please ‘Like’ on Facebook.

Slalom Course 2012 INAS World Championships
Slalom Course 2012 INAS World Championships
Nicole Harris skiing Slalom in the 2012 INAS World Championships
Nicole Harris skiing Slalom in the 2012 INAS World Championships
Nicole Harris skiing Slalom in the 2012 INAS World Championships
Nicole Harris skiing Slalom in the 2012 INAS World Championships
Olivia Sayers skiing Slalom in the 2012 INAS World Championships
Olivia Sayers skiing Slalom in the 2012 INAS World Championships
Olivia Sayers skiing Slalom in the 2012 INAS World Championships
Olivia Sayers skiing Slalom in the 2012 INAS World Championships
Olivia Sayers skiing Slalom in the 2012 INAS World Championships
Olivia Sayers skiing Slalom in the 2012 INAS World Championships
Nicole Harris and Olivia Sayers after placing 1st & 5th
Nicole Harris and Olivia Sayers after placing 1st & 5th


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