UPDATE: Friday 9:00pm:
UPDATE: Friday 4:30pm:
Bourke St looking pretty white:

UPDATE: Friday 2:20pm:
One more pic and confirmation that snowmaking is going on Summit and upper Shakey. 10cm so far is the estimation:

UPDATE: Friday 2pm:
Some more pics have just arrived from Buller:

They arrived with the comment: ‘Ski Patrol out putting up crash pads and guns are going further up the hill apparently’
UPDATE: Friday 12:20pm:

OK the lid is off. I’m on board.
It’s currently 8.9C & pouring in Melbourne and there is a massive blob of precipitation on the radar slowly mauling its way to the Alps. It’s wet. It’s cold. What more do we need?
Fri May 25th 10:50am:

I was pleasantly surprised to wake up to the Buller AWS reading -2.4c and white images on the Snowcams as well as on Buller’s Facebok.
I messaged a friend on the hill asking for an update and pictures – he said the pictures he would be able to take are no better than the ones on the Cams or Facebook, but he did say as of 10:30am that it’s snowing heavily, but more interestingly that weather permitting that that are looking at firing up snowmaking tonight or tomorrow.
Even more speculatively he said there is ‘loose chat’ of an early opening next weekend if conditions permit. I don’t want this rumour going crazy so just take it that it’s being considered. It’s a fair stretch that this will happen considering there’s only a couple of cm on the ground right now and the weather system is ‘complicated’ at best.
I think this weather system still has to play out, I still don’t feel that without a SW feed of cold air that it’s going to be a sustained snowfall, but I was proven wrong this morning and I will thoroughly enjoy continuing to be proven wrong! Jane’s Weather has remained optimistic with her forecast of 20-30cm today and Frog has upgraded his upside to 20cm but the low end of his range is stilla bet-hedging 5cm
Also here is a photo I was sent from Hotham, accompanying it was a note saying they estimated 5cm so far.

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