Buller Report 13/6/10


Looking down Shakey Knees:

Shakey Knees

Looking back up Shakey Knees:

Shakey Knees

Mt Buller Summit from Baldy:

Buller Summit

Once again after more festivities a late start to the ski day was on the cards.

After cold temps of -5c overnight, more snow was made – every little bit counts. The weather was a lot nicer than Saturday – blue skies, cold temperatures and very little wind.

Actual snow conditions were not particularly different to Saturday, and due to our late start the snow on Shakey was softening but holding up OK. As it is on the Northside of the mountain there are often a few thin patches on the lower right hand side of the run, so the conditions today were pretty typical for any time Shakey is open, not bad for early June.

Again it was reiterated that LBS is not far off, if there is no rain during the week and favourable snowmaking temperatures then we should expect it to be open next weekend. A friend skied down there and hiked out on his touring gear, he said the cover on the first pitch was perfect.

Today being more clear you could look across to the Summit – it would seem there hasn’t been as much snow made there yet – I do know that the capacity of the snowmaking infrastructure is such that all the guns cannot be run at once, so it would seem that LBS is the priority and Summit will follow afterwards. See the above photo for Summit conditions.

Tirol Cafe was busy at lunch, but not overwhelmed, the line for service was long but our food arrived shortly after ordering. I do much prefer Koflers however and will be looking forward to that opening.

All in all it was a great opening weekend. Good to catch up with all our friends, the fireworks were particularly good – the new venue down near the village square is much more appropriate, and any skiing on Queen’s Birthday is a bonus.

Not 100% sure if I will be on the mountain next weekend, but will certainly be reporting if I do make it up.

Feel free to ask any questions below or contribute your own experiences from the weekend.

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