Hello world!


Well here it is.

After a decade of posting behind an alias on the ski.com.au forums, it’s time to break out and go it alone.

I like to write about things to do with the snow, I’ve done it informally for years, but now I think it’s time I had my own home.

Please excuse my modest beginnings, all journeys must commence with a single step. The spartan appearance of this site will no doubt appall my wife who is a professional web designer, but so be it.

I’m not too sure where this will head, that’s half the fun, but I’ve always liked to rabbit on about Travel, Equipment, Gadgets and Mt Buller, and over the journey I seem to have taken some reasonable photos of my Travels, so I don’t think I’ll have any trouble coming up with topics.

I’d like this to be a community experience so please feel free to participate through the comments and also on Twitter and (soon) Facebook. Feedback, solicited and otherwise is always welcome!

On top of this I ski at Mt Buller each weekend so I’ll be reporting live from the hill.

So if you’ve made your way to this page, thanks for coming, please bookmark, RSS and add me to your Twitter, and I look forward to an exciting ski season in 2010!


  1. Congratulations on getting this started. You’re bookmarked so will be looking forward to reading about your thoughts.


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