2012 Ski Movies now in iTunes:


Trailer season has gone and now the bulk of the 2012 Ski Movies are available for your downloading pleasure in iTunes. Unfortunately if you live outside the US you may need to get a US iTunes gift card so you can download.

Here they are:

The Ordinary Skier – Oakley/Seth Morrison

By far the movie I have been looking forward to the most is Oakley’s biopic on Seth Morrison – “The Ordinary Skier”. This is the result of 2 seasons of filming, much in Chamonix, during which he took the time out to respond to a tweet of mine asking about the snow conditions.

The Ordinary Skier
The Ordinary Skier Trailer 01 from OAKLEY on Vimeo.

Attack of La Niña – Matchstick Productions

MSP is coming out with a strong offering called ‘Attack of La Niña chronicling the amazing snow year in North America for 2010/11:

Matchstick Productions: Attack of La Nina
Attack of La Niña Trailer HD from MSP Films on Vimeo.

One For The Road – Teton Gravity Research

TGR’s 2012 effort is called ‘One for the Road’

Teton Gravity Research: One for the Road
TGR’s One For The Road

Also from TGR is ‘Further’ the sequel to the Jeremy Jones backcountry epic ‘Deeper’:

Grand Bizarre – Poor Boyz Productions

Poor Boyz: The Grand Bizarre
The Grand Bizarre (Official Trailer) from Poor Boyz Productions on Vimeo.

As well as this they filmed the Simon Dumont cubed pipe experiment. Insane.

‘After Dark’ from Level 1:

Level 1: After Dark
Level 1’s After Dark

Art of Flight – Travis Rice/Red Bull

Travis Rice’s ‘Art of Flight’ has launched with amazing amounts of critical acclaim:

The Art of Flight
Brain Farm – The Art of Flight Trailer from Brain Farm on Vimeo.

All.I.Can. from North Face/Sherpas Productions – This is yet to appear on iTunes but I will update when it does:

All.I.Can. Teaser 2 from Sherpas Cinema on Vimeo.

Found any more? Let us know in the comments.


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