Hi Everyone,
It’s about time to give my loyal aussieskier fans a sneak peek into what I’ve been up to lately. aussieskier has been quiet since the Buller fiasco but I’ve been hard at work on a brand new project. It’s called The Powder Bible and it’s a ‘World First’ eBook on Ski Travel. As you’ll see from the Trip Reports on aussieskier I get to ski a lot of powder, and it’s not an accident, and certainly not good luck. I have a set of rules I use to make sure I head where the snow is, and it’s all outlined in the book.
First step is to visit the Facebook Page for Powder Bible: https://www.facebook.com/powderbible – then ‘Like’ the page. This will keep you up to date with the launch schedule (but I will also be promoting it here of course)
So please head across, Like the page and I’ll keep you informed!
You can also have a sneak peek at the website at https://powderbible.com – the ‘Buy Now’ links are not yet activated but if you Like the page you will be the first to find out.
It’s something I’m very excited about and very proud of, and I look forward to hearing from you all about it.