Buller Report 12/6/10


After the traditional festivities of Queen’s Birthday we woke up at the crack of noon, followed by the also traditional visit by the Plumber to our lodge we headed into the Village to pick up our season passes and then up for a ski.

Natural snow cover is not enormous however one more snowfall will cover up a lot of the exposed grass to get area like Baldy, Skyline and presumably Family Run going.

The snowmakers have done a sterling job and the cover on Bourke St and Shakey Knees is great, Shakey being much better than I was expecting. The word on the hill is that if there is no rain this week then LBS will be open next weekend. It is not far off being able to be opened at the moment.

A small rail park was set up at the top of Bourke St.

Weather was pretty grey with a chilly wind, hope for more snowmaking tonight.

All in all it is great to be skiing on Queen’s Birthday, and any skiing during June is a bonus.

I’ll report again after tomorrow’s skiing, and most weekends this season.

If you have any questions about the coverage please ask in the comments, also if you were skiing today let everyone know your thoughts.

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  1. Looks great! What a treat to have a handy blanket of white for QBWE. Disappointed I couldn’t make it up there, but trip #1 isn’t far away.

  2. Where abouts is the 3rd photo taken from? Sorry just a buller novice and would be nice to know what im looking at.