In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m really getting in to Instagram.
It seemed a natural fit when I was looking for a deeper social media integration at – as it stands I have a reliable band of snow reporters throughout the mountains who have been MMSing me from the slopes for a number of years, but if I’m not available or near a computer it can be hard to get them to the site straight away which I feel bad about if someone has gone to the effort, so I was looking for a solution that made it possible to automate this.
After all the main purpose of this site is honest snow reporting, and what better way than to have instantaneous pictures available both here and on Facebook?
Plus it opens up the possibility to any Australian skier who would like to contribute and help out their fellow skiers. I’m enjoying the community feel, and truly loved seeing pictures pop up from people I have never met – while I appreciate the help of my friends it was very gratifying to have total strangers contribute.
So the combination of Instagram and the hashtag #aussieskier was the obvious solution – from a technology point of view it’s working perfectly and once the season is in full swing I look forward to seeing more pictures arrive on a regular basis. Naturally this site is more Victorian focused due to my location & influence but I would love to see the pics roll in from NSW as well!

So while #aussieskier is working well (apart from the odd prank shot or two, but I guess I have to expect that!) and I will post plenty of pics through this Australian season, I have also been going through my photo archives from various overseas ski trips and selecting the best pictures and uploading them to Instagram under #aussieskieradventures – check out the gallery below, or follow me on @aussieskier & I hope you enjoy!
(Click to enlarge, scroll with arrow keys)
[instapress tag=”aussieskieradventures” piccount=”0″ size=”200″ effect=”fancybox” title=”1″]