5 Essential Tips To Get The Most Out Of This Year’s Ski Season


The season is here, now it’s time to get the most out of it. Here’s a few tips from the pros at aussieskier to make sure you’re squeezing every turn you can out of the Winter.

  1. Track the snow storms
    To make sure you’re there the next time it dumps and they’re getting freshies, learn how to track a snow storm and understand temperature and precipitation forecasts so you can anticipate which is going to be the day to be on the mountain.
  2. Buy your lift tickets online
    Get organised in advanced and buy your tickets online the night before so you can ski straight past the lift ticket queue in the morning and onto the lift. It’s cheaper and you won’t be missing out on fresh tracks.
  3. Join a ski club
    Not only will you get great bed rates and be able to afford to ski more days, you’ll meet a great bunch of ski loving new friends to make turns with on your next trip.
  4. Ski the season start to finish
    Everyone’s lining up for that first lift, but plenty of people loose interest only a few weeks into the season. Not only do the crowds thin when Spring rolls around, but the sun comes out and lift ticket prices are often reduced. So make sure you pace yourself, and get the most out of the tail of the season.
  5. Take some lessons to improve your technique
    It’ll lead to efficiency and you’ll be able to ski for longer and be stronger. Some pre-season fitness won’t hurt either!